"Everyday+ uses the natural goodness of fermentable super fibres, high quality protein, antioxidants with probiotics plus it's 100% grain free and is naturally low in sugar and starch! An expertly formulated completely balanced feed for every day use. WHAT IS IN THE EVERYDAY+ BALANCED FEED? Hm flour, salt, High Horse Vitamins and Minerals, Yea-Sacc™ (yeast-based probiotic)
Less than 1% sugars and starch making it safe for laminitic prone, EMS and PPID horses
High levels of highly fermentable fibres feeding the good gut microbes who produce ""cool"" energy fats and help improve overall wellness of your horse
Quality protein, containing all ""essential"" amino acids at levels designed to help build plenty of muscle and topline
Almost no Trypsin-inhibitors and oligosaccharides which can prevent protein digestion and cause gas build-up in the gut
Contains natural antioxidants and probiotics to help improve digestion and overall wellbeing of your special equine companion