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Poseidon MetaboLize Horse Supplement

Poseidon MetaboLize Horse Supplement

Regular price $75.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $75.00 AUD
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MetaboLize® is a proprietary mix of three powerful flavonoids - chlorogenic acid, myricetin, and quercetin sourced from Eucalyptus Globulus, Vine Tea, Sophora Japonica, plus Saccharomyces Cerevisiae derived pre and postbiotic for added gut support. Flavonoids are phytonutrients found naturally occurring in plants and berries. Flavonoids have strong antioxidant benefits, support normal regulation of inflammation, assist with insulin response, support thyroid health, and boost intestinal barrier function. Too many horses are struggling to process sugar in their diets. This results in EMS, Cushings, Laminitis, cresty neck, fatty lumps, overweight, and inflammation.

Horses with mild symptoms will be able to process their normal diet better, while those with severe symptoms will find MetaboLize® a game changer for restoring their quality of life.

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